The Implications of Remuneration, Procedural Justice Principles, and Work Environment Factors on Employee Retention Rate
remuneration, procedural justice, work environment, employee retentionAbstract
Investigating the determinants that shape employee retention based on remuneration, procedural justice, and work environment is the goal of this research. Quantitative research methodology was adopted in this study. The sample size consisted of 120 respondents who were randomly selected from one of the manufacturing companies in the Surabaya area. An online questionnaire survey was used to collect quantitative data. Multiple linear regression is a technique for analyzing data where there is a program that makes it easy to find out the results. The program was SPSS and SPSS 26 was chosen. Finally, our research contributes to a better understanding of company efforts to retain and motivate employees to stay with the organization, thereby reducing turnover and ensuring operational sustainability and better productivity based on remuneration, procedural justice, and work environment. We also conclude that the focus of this research is on the determinants that predict employee retention rather than simply identifying employees who are likely to stay or leave.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Bangsu, Didit Darmawan, Budi Handayani
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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