Analysis of Road Damage Using the Surface Distress Index (Sdi) Method on the Gresik-Surabaya Road Section KM. 4+900 TO KM. 7+700
Connecting access, Overloaded heavy vehicles, Road Damage, Surface Distress Index MethodAbstract
This Gresik-Surabaya road section is located north of Surabaya City. The road is under the authority of the East Java-Bali National Road Implementation Center. The Gresik-Surabaya road section is one of the connecting accesses between Surabaya City and Gresik Regency, which has damage to the road body. Overloaded heavy vehicles often pass through the road, which can cause damage to the road surface and cause problems such as decreased speed and travel time, as well as threaten the safety of road users or cause accidents. The purpose of the research on the Gresik-Surabaya road section, km. 4 + 900 to km. 7+ 700, is to find the value of the Surface Distrees Index (SDI) on a 2.8 km long study. The SDI method is carried out by sampling data with visual surveys using a road damage survey form (SKJ) or what is commonly called a Road Condition Survey (RCS), which is divided every 100 meters. So that the results obtained on the Gresik Surabaya road section, East Java, from segments 11 to 18 and continued on segments 26 to 28, the damage that is enough to get a large SDI value is the ruts. While in segments 2, 3, 5, and 6, the damage that gets the largest SDI value with moderate damage classification is cracking. The dominating road damage on Gresik Road, Surabaya, from Km 4+900 to Km 7+700, or from segment 1 to segment 28, is ruts and cracks. In measuring the pavement on the surface of the Gresik-Surabaya road along 2800 meters, which is divided into 28 segments, the SDI value is obtained as follows: Moderate SDI values are obtained in segment 2 with a SDI value of 75, Segment 3 with a SDI value of 60, segment 5 with a SDI value of 55, and segment 6 with a SDI value of 55. Good SDI value is obtained in segment 1 with SDI value 15, segment 4 with SDI value 25, segment 7 and 8 with SDI value 25, segment 9 with SDI value 10, segment 10 with SDI value 25, segment 11 to 18 with SDI value 20, segment 19 to 22 with SDI value 0, segment 23 and 24 with SDI value 15, segment 25 with SDI value 10, and segment 26 to 28 with SDI value 35.
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